BeatMark 1.2: Peak analysis

Introducing BeatMark 1.2

BeatMark 1.2 introduces a new feature that had disappeared from Final Cut Pro after switching from version seven to version X: The Peak Detector.

In addition to the already mentioned and acclaimed feature that allows you to identify the beats of music, BeatMark 1.2 allows you to analyze an audio file (usually it is spoken audio) and to identify the points where the sound level exceeds a certain threshold.

Usually this serves to immediately see the moments in which speech is present.

Activating this new feature is very simple: just press the preferences button, and you will be taken to the new version of the control panel:

By default the analysis is set to “analysis of the music beats”, but by selecting “peak analysis” we can set the relative parameters.

You can choose the threshold above which the detection is activated and therefore the marker is applied:

You can also choose what should be the minimum distance between two consecutive markers, from 0 to 60 seconds.

This simply allows you to avoid having too many markers when the speech is not sporadic but the moments in which it is present are consecutive.

Cliccando su ok il pannello delle preferenze si chiude e, come potete vedere, anche il pulsante principale della interfaccia utente cambia nome passando da “BeatMark” a “PeakMark“.

Pressing this button the file is analyzed and as always a file is created FCPXML which, opened by Final Cut pro X will show the points where the speech is present:

And of course, this update is FREE for all users for previous versions of BeatMark.

Clic here to download the free trial of BeatMark X 1.2

The file to download is the same for update from version 1.x to 1.2