Introducing Clean AE AutoSave, a very simple and free application to save space when archiving Adobe After Effects projects.

Clean AE AutoSave scans all the folders and subfolders of a project, finds all After Effects auto save files of After Effects and deletes them, freeing up a lot of space before archiving.

Using Clean AE AutoSave is very simple: drag and drop a folder, which can contain any other number of subfolders, on the application window, it will immediately start scanning and deleting the auto save files, with also an indication of how much space has been saved.

“I generally do this: when I’m going to archive a project, composed of folders, subfolders, assets, different project files, without even worrying I drag the entire project folder to Clean AE AutoSave, and in a moment all the auto save files are deleted, saving me disk space.”

Alex Raccuglia, developer

Clean AE AutoSave is a small, simple, but very useful application, especially when working with many After Effects projects.

Download Clean AE AutoSave FOR FREE